I am an abstract artist whose interest is form, shape and mark making. I take my inspiration from pavements, coastal walks and landscape views. I observe the cracks on pavements, the erosion on rocks and elements of the landscape - the footprint of generations on the environment - and use these to inform my paintings. I combine all these individual elements to make my abstract paintings that come from the feelings they evoke in me. I focus on the smaller elements, bringing them to prominence.
Another aspect of my work stems from my childhood memories of living and growing up in foster care and children's homes.
Exploring these memories through my art enables me to confront adverse childhood experiences and begin the healing process. I use my love of different materials, their texture and tactile nature to convey the juxtaposition of surface appearance - the face we show the world - and the internal decay and damage - the truth we hide from the world.
As when a first aider applies a plaster or bandage to begin the healing process, some wounds heal but others run deeper and fester, so my art has led me to find healing in some areas but in others it has merely highlighted deeper wounds to my spirit from the abuse - physical, verbal and sexual - I endured.
My work explores the threads that join these two different practices together; the layers that are formed and the marks that are made.